We want the government to take notice of what we think they should do for single parents 我们希望政府能够关注单亲父母,为他们做一些应该做的事。
You understand, Father Madeleine, the government will notice it. 您懂吗,马德兰爷爷,政府会察觉出来的。
The wedding boom has not escaped the government` s notice. 结婚潮的兴起并没有逃过政府的注意。
Some of us choose to donate money because the government sends a notice and asks us to do so. 我们有些人只是因为政府发了捐款通知才捐。
Three government officials in Shanghai and Beijing said they had not heard about any formal notice to stop using foreign phones and said many in their departments still used iPhones. 上海和北京的三名政府官员表示,他们均没有收到有关停止使用外国手机的任何正式通知,并称他们所在部门的很多工作人员仍在用iPhone。
A government spokeswoman said: Following two hoax calls to government departments today, a notice has gone out to all departments to be on the alert for such calls. 一位政府发言人表示:在今日政府部门接到两个恶作剧电话后,所有部门都接到通知,要求警惕类似电话。
Attorney David Remes criticized the government for not providing advance notice of the pending transfer so he could try to prevent it. 律师戴维·雷米斯批评政府没有提供事先提出待转移的通知,以便他能试图阻止它。
In the case of any special circumstance, the auditing organ may, upon approval of the people's government at the same level, directly carry out the audit upon the strength of the audit notice. 遇有特殊情况,经本级人民政府批准,审计机关可以直接持审计通知书实施审计。
We will comply with the government regulations and hope that everyone will take notice and consume the drinks safely, said chain store coffee shop owner lien yu-cing. 连锁咖啡店业者连瑜清:说我们会配合政府的规定,希望大家能够注意到安全的摄取量。
The situation is very serious and yet the government doesn't seem to be takin gany notice. 形势很严峻,可政府似乎还没有意识到。
I think it as honorable to the government neither to know nor notice its sycophants or censors, as it would be undignified and criminal to pamper the former and persecute the latter. 我认为,得体的政府,不应该把它的赞扬者和审查者放在心上,如果对于前者大加褒扬而对后者横加迫害,不仅有失尊严,同时也是在犯罪。
A government notice of a rise in interest rates caused one bank's newly created advertising campaign to be shelved recently. 政府宣布提高利率会导致银行新实施的一项创造性广告立即被搁置起来。
Government notice on each packet warms the public about the dangers of cigarette smoking. 每个包装盒上都印有政府部门提醒公众注意吸烟危害健康的告诫。
One militant group warned the government to take notice. 一个暴力团体警告政府要注意。
And the government may take possession of such property as from the time that the notice has effect. 而政府则可由该通知有效时起接管该等财产。
It represents the easiest basis for developing a functioning government on short notice, since it is already in place. 所意味的是,为仓促发展一个机能政府最容易之基础,因其已到位。
In poor countries, government consumption is mostly composed of salaries, which are difficult to cut at short notice, not least for political reasons. 对穷国而言,政府消费主要用于工资的支付,要削减工资用短短的通知恐怕太势,但扣上政治的帽子作为理由又太过。
From the mid 19 th century, the Russian government and scholars began to notice the issue of the overseas Chinese in Russia. 从19世纪中期开始,华侨问题就引起了俄罗斯政府和学者的注意。
China is not only one of the most abundant countries in the wild flora resources but the signatory of the Biodiversity Convention and the proper government department began to notice the problem of the conservation of biodiversity and ecological safety. 中国既是野生植物资源最丰富的国家之一,又是《生物多样性公约》的签字国,国家有关部门已经开始注意到了生物多样性的保护和生态安全保障。
Since the end of the 1990s, our government, bank and scholar began to notice the serious question of non-performing assets of state-run commercial bank. A lot of people begin to study, discuss how about solve this problem, and propose various schemes. 从上个世纪九十年代末,我国政府、银行和学者开始注意到国有商业银行不良资产庞大这一问题,许多人开始研究、探讨,如何解决这一问题,提出了各种各样的方案。
Among different health promotion activities, the list of the average cost to get one patient to seek health care service from lowest to the highest were government notice, television program, radio broadcasting, wall painting and flyer/ poster. 在不同宣传活动中,获得一个就诊患者的平均成本从低到高依次为政府布告、电视、广播、墙体广告和宣传单/画。
Recently, with the government putting more notice on developing natural gas as a kind of supplementary energy, gas industries become an important field for SCADA's developing. 近年来,随着我国把天然气作为重点发展的能源,燃气行业也成为了SCADA系统重点发展的领域。
To the government's administration of agricultural economy, the policy inspiration of the theory is that: to stimulate and maintain the zeal of peasants, preventing peasants 'dissatisfaction, the first thing to do is to take notice of hygiene factors. 该理论对政府农业经济管理的基本启示是:要调动和维持农民的积极性,首先要注意保健因素,以防止农民不满情绪的产生;
The original data come from the statistical yearbook and government environmental notice. 文章的原始数据均来自统计年鉴及政府环境公告。
Since the tax reform started, land dispute emerges from wildland and land agent after a reversal of the land market. In view of this, Hubei Provincial Government issued a notice of "Opinions on Second-Round Contracting Improvement in Rural Areas". 但是随着税费改革的启动,土地市场行情发生的逆转,原有抛荒、代耕问题而导致的土地纠纷层出不穷,鉴于此,湖北省政府出台了《关于完善农村二轮延包若干意见》的通知。